Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Andai Kau Tahu.

"Dah lama ibu tunggu kau masuk universiti, sempat juga ibu lihat." Itulah kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut ibuku bila kami sekeluarga tiba di Universiti Selangor. Walaupun seperti baru semalam aku belajar dan bergelak ketawa bersama kawan-kawanku di sekolah. "Hadi belajar elok-elok tau, nanti senang dapat kerja lepas itu kau dah boleh kahwin." kata ibuku sambil tersenyum. "Apalah ibu ni, Hadi tak terfikir pun nak kahwin lagi, lambat lagi tu." balasku sambil melihat sekeliling kawasan baru ini. "Ala, nanti bila dah grad, orang lain bawa balik sijil, abang bawa balik kakak baru." usik adikku. Aku hanya mampu ketawa. Ibu dan ayah hanya tersenyum.

Selepas selesai sesi pendaftaran bagi pelajar-pelajar baru, keluargaku menghantarku ke asrama yang disediakan dan mereka pun pulang. Setelah selesai menyusun pakaian dan barang-barangku kedalam almari, aku mengambil telefon bimbitku dan menelefon Shahira, kekasihku yang ku kenali ketika dibangku sekolah lagi. "Hai sayang, I baru lepas selesai kemas barang-barang I." "You call malam nanti boleh tak ? I nak hang out dengan kawan-kawan I kejap, next week I dah nak masuk UiTM." "Em. Ok, you have fun lah dulu. Bye. I lo..." belum sempat ku habiskan perbualan, dia sudah letak telefon. Walaupun rasa seperti tidak dipedulikan, tetapi aku membiarkannya. "Mungkin line terputus kot." aku bermonolog sendirian. Kemudian aku keluar dari asramaku untuk pergi ke kedai makan yang terletak dibawah. Setelah aku tiba di kedai makan itu, aku lihat sekeliling dan aku dapat lihat pelajar-pelajar baru makan bersama-sama kawan baru mereka. Aku pula hanya berseorang. Kawan-kawan seasrama denganku semuanya membuta di asrama. "Minum apa dik ?" pekerja kedai makan itu menegurku. "Limau ais dan nasi goreng cina satu bang," jawabku. Sementara menunggu makanan yang ku pesan tiba, aku melihat kawasan sekeliling. Berharap aku dapat jumpa sesiapa yang aku kenal dan tiba-tiba pandangan ku terhenti. Ada seorang gadis bertudung, berbaju biru dan berseluar jeans sedang melintas jalan bersama kawannya. Hatiku tertawan dengan kecantikan gadis itu.

bersambung... :D

Monday, June 27, 2011

It's all about money makin'

I just got back from Bazaar JB or people call it 'Pasar Karat', if i not mistaken laa. While my friend and I was walking around, watching people buying and selling stuff, I ask myself how does these people kept on living as a night market seller. They must make at least hundreds ringgit in one night as most of them could live a wealthy lifestyle. Driving luxurious looking cars. Riding on superbikes. perghh~ respect bai..
Bazaar JB :D


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Say no to Slandering !

Slandering happens when one or more people spread a rumor that can change/ruins other peoples life. Mostly slander is a negative news to the victim. Sometime slandering happens for no reason. As most human being nowadays are very very very very very very very talkative and they can talk talk talk talk talk for hours ! and when they got carried away, they ACCIDENTALLY make up stories about others to make the conversation more exciting. There are also people who love to gossip about others and when people started getting bored with the gossip, the gossiper make up stories so people will not be bored. People nowadays likes to talk about what they see, hear or feels without any research. People nowadays are easily jump to conclusion. This is wrong. But when we think about it, people will not be like that if there is no catalyst. Like the malay/indon saying "bisakan pokok bergoyang jikalau tiada angin.". How about we take a moment and think what could have been the catalyst for the slanderer to become active. For sure its gotta be people too right ? Why ? How ? haaa. Why, it is because people often talks about other people. Rarely they gossiping about dogs or cats (for the moment i could think of people who gossiping about dogs or cats -.-'). How ? haa. Itu yang kite kena tahu tu. As you know, someone's garbage is someone's treasure, or vice versa. When people find something that can turn us down, they will turn us down. For example if you upload photos that make you look like a whore, people will labelled you as a whore. You hate it right ? Sooooooo, back to my previous topic about privacy, you should make something in your life secluded/private. If people still talks about you in a negative ways, you just have to be patient as you already did your part to stop them making sins. :D

Saturday, June 25, 2011

when the light turns off for the first time,
it was like I am blind,
I was so scared like and it was like I have no where else to go,
although I know where the switch was,
I was so scared to go there,
as I could only imagine what kind of obstacle I had to face,
with the help from the moon light,
my pupil started to gain light,
and I can see things clear again,
though it was not as clear as before,
it was enough for me to see where do I have to go to get the light back,
what kind of obstacles do I have to face and how to overcome it,
and I was not scared anymore,
knowing that I was on the right track to get the light back on.

For my families and friends, thanks for being the moon for me :D

p/s : This poem is dedicated to people who have fallen and now trying to get back up again. 

Remember, life can push us down but only us can get ourselves up again. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Extinction Of Privacy.

 "The quality or condition of being secluded from the presence or view of others."
There are things in this world need to be secluded or in other word need to be a secret to others. Things such as our whereabouts, weaknesses, phone number, aurat, bank account number, dark secrets that can ruin our life and even our hatred towards someone. Is not wrong to become secretive as it shows that we are being defensive and defensive is good. As time passed by, social network such as Facebook, Myspace, Friendster and Twitter exist and privacy are becoming extinct. People post statuses about their whereabouts, their hatred towards someone and they even uploaded picture that must not be seen by the world. Actions like this can bring harm either towards the individuals or others. Peoples get into fights, being rape, spreading bad rumors and depressed because of these actions. Mostly people will say, "come on laa, nothings gonna happen if i post this status." "it's my picture, suka hati mak bapak tiri aku laa nak letak kat FB pon." whatthe~ Maybe now they don't realize but gradually they will realize the impacts of their actions. My advice to all you, think before you do something. Don't let privacy extinct among us. :)


I still don't get it why must the same old guy who got to rule. I could use a change right about now. Don't you guys think so ?

p/s : general. not pointing to anybody :D

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Feeling2 *ehem. haha

yang kau nak 'touching' nape ? whatthe~ do people even know the meaning of touching ?

TOUCHING = MENYENTUH *kamus dewan bahasa dan pustaka

Hehe. Ignore all that. The main title of today post is " is it wrong to be sensitive ? ". Hmm. As they are many types of people, there are surely many opinions and most of them says, " go to hell with your feeling and such. NOT COOL to be sensitive. " ONE WORD. bullsh*t. Macam laa org yg cakap tu xpenah luah perasaan kat sape2. at least mesti die cakap kat mak die right ? So, ladies and gentlemen, being sensitive is normal. Especially if we are getting closer to a specific person. For example, during the first time a boy and girl met, do they tell each other their deepest secret ? No right ? As time passed by, they will become closer and they finally feels comfortable to tells each other secrets right ? When people shows their sensitiveness towards you, it means that he/she are comfortable with you. So, do you think it is appropriate to say, " tak yah la touching2. tah pape ar ko ni " ? No, it is not appropriate. It is not wrong to be sensitive. It is wrong to become a person who thinks he/she can handle the pressure but the truth is, he/she can't. It is wrong to scold people who are sensitive but him/herself have an anger issue. Even a big tough guy (like me :D ) have the right to become sensitive. This is because to me, it is good to share. It is bad to keep it to yourself. Sensitivity can prevent you from doing things to others that you didn't like if people do it to you.

You see, sensitivity brings more good than harm. So, the next time you feel 'menyirap' whenever your friends becomes sensitive, REMEMBER, it is not wrong to be sensitive. :D

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hypocrisy is NOT a crime

Have you guys ever heard the word socialization ? If this the first time, let me enlightened you. HAHA. Socialization is a life long experience that shape an individual's personality (something like that laa). As you guys know, we live in a group of people that are called SOCIETY, and in a society there are agents of socialization. People who influence our personality shaping process. People such as our family, friends, teachers, neighbors and even homo's that lives under the bridge. The MOST INFLUENCE agents are our dear friends. As we can see nowadays there are many muslimah who are 'free hair', malays who are drinking and even there are many muslims that encounters pre-marital intercourse (fornication).


These are the effects of socialization. People become what they are now because of socialization process. Even though they know that it is wrong to be like this, but they still don't want to change. The most popular reason is they don't want to be a hypocrite. They don't to be the person who they are not. whatthe~ Do they realise that when they were little, they were like pieces of white clothes. People around them who colour them up with so many colours. The person that they are now is the person that others want them to be. BUT. Do you really want to be accepted by people if Allah don't wanna accept you ? NO kan ? So, be matured and accept changes. Be a HYPOCRITE if that is what i takes to become better in a future because hypocrisy is not a crime, it is just the first step to change to a better person. :D


There was a boy who was about to make a choice that might change his life forever. Whether he pursue his dreams or he followed the guidelines (more like a willing-force) that was provided by his parents. He was in a dilemma and his friends was all on "follow your heart!". whatthe~ sorry, but i have to disagree with the follow your heart stuff. As to me it was bullsh*t. Crap. NONSENSE. Don't ever just randomly follow your hearts. There are reasons why i said so. 

FIRSTLY. We have something that we can use to make a choice and it is called a BRAIN. It is an organ that work as a memory card or even a hard disk. Before every decisions we make, we need to take at least a minute about what could be the consequences of our action/choice, what are the pro's and the con's, what will we lose and what will we gain. You see, there are many things that we need to think before we make a choice. 

SECONDLY. We as humble servants to the ONE, we are weak and we need Allah every second and insya-Allah, Allah will guide us IF we ask for HIS guidance. If we are too proud, even people wont help you. 

THIRDLY. A heart is an organ that pump-up your blood throughout your body. Well duhh ~ -.-''

Just to close it all up, never ever ever ever ever ever ever, randomly follow your heart. 


dearDEARdearDEARdear READERS !

Yours faithfully have return. If you didn't knew me before, well it's okay.

For people who have read my previous blog, I am now a whole new blogger. I am done with my unfinished love story.

I have ideas that i think it's my responsibility to share with the world. So, Have a pleasant reading :D